Viste tu Mejor Versión

Who are we?

We are one of the leading fashion experts in Spain focusing our services, to find most suitable and practical ways to dress to be one step closer to the best version of yourself.

Viste tu Mejor Versión is a renowned team of fashion experts and style updaters in Madrid and some European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Sweden.

We have strong track record of dressing clients like yourself to upgrade their wardrobe, so you will feel great with the style of your choice.

We don’t limit ourselves to only dressing you for events or big occasions, we go beyond, making your style represent you every moment of the day. But above all, we have our planet and environment at the core of our business, that is why we always review your wardrobe and intend to give new life to the items you already have and maximise its utilization. Suggestions for new pieces are only made for ones which are needed.

Sustainability is the means and being stylish at all times, while caring about our impact on the planet.

The luxury of dressing the way you want has never been so easily available. And since fashion has been democratized, Viste tu Mejor Versión also democratizes being stylish.

At the same time, we are also experts at creating corporate images to further enhance your professionalism and sales.


What makes us different and unique?

1. We do not work by the hour: there is no time limit for our clients, the work ends when your image is the one you desire.

2. We don't work for everyone: only for those who want to make style changesand are willing to improve, not transform (unless you ask us to).

3. We apply the VMV® Method so that your image is your brand and speaks for you: diagnosis, decisions, execution and evaluation.

Who are we?